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Website Administration

Admin Panel


This section discusses how to use the admin panel for the website. For how to set up the admin page username and password during deployment, see the Heroku deployment documentation.

The admin panel is used to do the following:

  • Manually override the model outputs during events and advisories that would adversely affect the river quality.
  • Set a custom message that shows on the home page alongside the flags.
  • Manually update the database (e.g. add or remove Boathouses)
  • Download the data as a CSV, including downloading up to 90 days worth of data at a time.

You can reach the admin panel by going to /admin after the URL for the flagging website homepage.

You will be asked a username and password, which will be provided to you by the person who deployed the website. Enter the correct credentials to enter the admin panel.


In "development" mode, the default username is admin and the password is password.

In production, the environment variables BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME and BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD are used to set the credentials. You can always check what they are in the "Settings" tab of the Heroku dashboard.


In production, the admin panel password should be long, random, and unique:

  • Long and random because there is no brute force protection implemented on the website.
  • Unique because the password is stored in plain text.

You can use a Python script such as this to generate a password appropraite for the website:

import string
import random

chars = list(map(str, [*string.ascii_letters, *range(10)]))
password = ''.join([str(random.choice(chars)) for i in range(50)])


For all intents and purposes, a password generated like this is effectively impossible to brute force: There are more possible 50 character alphanumeric passwords than there are atoms in the universe (62^50 > 10^81).