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Development - Overview

The Development guide is aimed at users who wish to understand the code base and make changes to it if need be.

This overview page describes at a high-level what the website's infrastructure is, how it all relates, and why those things are in the app.

Website System Design

classDiagram class Twitter Bot Twitter Bot : / Heroku Task Scheduler ..> PostgreSQL Heroku <.. Gunicorn Gunicorn .. Meinheld Heroku .. Redis SQLAlchemy ..> blueprints Gunicorn <.. Flask : create_app() Gunicorn : /../Procfile Meinheld : /../Procfile Heroku .. PostgreSQL blueprints ..> FlaskCaching class Flask Flask : / class Swagger Swagger : / Flask <.. Swagger Swagger ..> blueprints class SQLAlchemy SQLAlchemy : /data/ class Jinja2 Jinja2 : / Flask <.. Jinja2 class blueprints blueprints : /blueprints/ blueprints : /blueprints/ Flask <.. blueprints Jinja2 <.. blueprints class Admin Admin : / class SQLAlchemy PostgreSQL : (Heroku service) SQLAlchemy <.. Admin SQLAlchemy <.. PostgreSQL Flask <.. Admin class BasicAuth BasicAuth : / BasicAuth ..> Admin class HerokuTaskScheduler HerokuTaskScheduler : (Heroku service) class Redis Redis : (Heroku service) Heroku .. Heroku Task Scheduler FlaskCaching ..> Redis class FlaskCaching FlaskCaching: /data/ Flask <.. SQLAlchemy Predictive Models ..> PostgreSQL Heroku Task Scheduler ..> Predictive Models Heroku Task Scheduler ..> Twitter Bot PostgreSQL ..> Twitter Bot Predictive Models : /data/

Overview of repo

Sometimes it can be a little confusing and overwhelming seeing all the files strewn about in the root directory of the repo. I get it! Here are all the files (as of writing) and why they're there.

├── .flaskenv
├── .github
│   └── workflows
│       └── tests.yml
├── .gitignore
├── app.json
├── docs
│   ├──
│   ├── mkdocs.yml
│   ├── site
│   └── src
├── app
│   └── ...
├── Procfile
├── pytest.ini
├── requirements
│   └── ...
├── requirements.txt
├── run_windows_dev.bat
├── runtime.txt
└── tests
     └── ...
  • .flaskenv: Helper file for Flask local deployment. (more info)
  • .github/workflows/tests.yml: This file is handled by Github Actions. It runs the unit-tests. (more info)
  • .gitignore: Tells git what files to ignore. (more info)
  • app.json: Used by Heroku to set up one-click deployment for the app. (more info)
  • docs: Contains source code for the documentation. Rendered with Mkdocs. (more info)
  • app: The actual code base for the flagging website.
  • LICENSE: License that governs the project's code base.
  • Procfile: Heroku uses this to know what to run on the deployed instance. (more info)
  • pytest.ini: Unit-testing configuration. When you run python -m pytest ./tests, this file is read in. We need it for some Pytest extensions, and to define a label we use to skip tests that require credentials. (more info)
  • Self-explanatory.
  • requirements: This folder contains the various environment configurations, e.g. local development needs different things than production, Windows needs different things than OS X, etc. (more info and more info)
  • requirements.txt: Heroku requires a requirements.txt in the root of the repo.
  • On OS X and Linux, you should run this to fire up the website locally.
  • On Windows, you should run this to fire up the website locally. This one is less maintained than the unix dev script, and may require minor manual editing to work.
  • runtime.txt: Heroku requires this to define the runtime. (more info)