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Flask Shell Documentation

The shell is used to access app functions and data, such as Hobolink and USGS data and access to the database.

The reason why the shell is useful is because there may be cases where you want to play around with the app's functions. For example, maybe you see something that seems fishy in the data, so you want to have direct access to the function the website is running. You may also want to

The way Flask works makes it impossible to run the website's functions outside the Flask app context, which means importing the functions into a naked shell doesn't work as intended. The flask shell provides all the tools needed to let coders access the functions the exact same way the website does, except in a shell environment.

Run the Shell

  1. Open up a terminal at the flagging folder.

  2. Activate a Python virtual environment:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Set up the FLASK_ENV environment variable:
export FLASK_ENV=development
  1. Run the shell:
flask shell

And you should be good to go! The functions listed below should be available for use, and the section below contains some example use cases for the shell.


To exit from the shell, type exit() then Enter.

Available Shell Functions and Variables

  • app (flask.Flask): The actual Flask app instance.
  • db (flask_sqlalchemy.SQLAlchemy): The object used to interact with the Postgres database.
  • get_live_hobolink_data ((Optional[str]) -> pd.DataFrame): Gets the HOBOlink data table based on the given "export" name.
  • get_live_usgs_data (() -> pd.DataFrame): Gets the USGS data table.
  • process_data ((pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame): Combines the Hobolink and USGS tables.
  • compose_tweet (() -> str): Generates a message for Twitter that represents the current status of the flagging program (note: this function does not actually send the Tweet to

Additionally, Pandas and Numpy are already pre-imported via import pandas as pd and import numpy as np.


To add more functions and variables that pre-load in the Flask shell, simply add another entry to the dictionary returned by the function make_shell_context() in app/


All of the website's functions can be run in the Flask shell, even those that are not pre-loaded in the shell's global context. All you need to do is import it. For example, let's say you want to get the un-parsed request object from You can import the function we use and run it like this:

# (in Flask shell)
from import request_to_usgs
res = request_to_usgs()

Here we assume you have already started the Flask shell. This example shows how to download the Hobolink data and save it as a CSV file.

# (in Flask shell)
hobolink_data = get_live_hobolink_data()

Example 2: Preview Tweet

Let's say you want to preview a Tweet that would be sent out without actually sending it. The compose_tweet() function returns a string of this message:

# (in Flask shell)

Example 3: Manual load

I had to run this once because we missed the 90 day cutoff. This uses a different API endpoint, but it returns the same data and seems to work fine.

import requests
from import get_live_hobolink_data
from import v1
from import parse_usgs_data

begin_date = "2023-01-02"
end_date = "2023-11-09"

# Usgs request
res = requests.get("", params={"cb_00060": "on", "cb_00065": "on", "format": "rdb", "site_no": "01104500", "legacy": "1", "period": "", "begin_date": begin_date, "end_date": end_date})

df_hobolink = get_live_hobolink_data("code_for_boston_export_180d")
df_usgs = parse_usgs_data(res)
df_combined = v1.process_data(df_hobolink=df_hobolink, df_usgs=df_usgs)
df_predictions = v1.all_models(df_combined)
